Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid God might ask me the same question.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Backing up a bit..

I feel the need to back up a bit... back to D.C. and the little epiphany I had while touring all of our nations history. See I used to be plagued with fear and worry. I used to think if I didn't worry about my kiddos then I didn't care as much.
Worrying is just what us good mommies do, right? The past few years have been a sort of pressure cooker of that seriously flawed logic, and I have given up many of my fears and worries and realized that I am basically just wasting my time. Anyhow, getting to my point... when I was taking in all the history.. the past presidents, the war heroes, the heart wrenching holocaust museum, centuries upon centuries of amazing people, ... it all made me feel really insignificant. My life, if lived carefully, if lived comfortably, if lived safely, if lived to perfect standards of society.... would be utterly forgettable and completely insignificant. And even worse, if I raise my kids to be so safe, never to step out boldly, never take risks... am I teaching them to be insignificant as well? On a lighter note... did I ever mention how cold it was while we were in D.C.? It was really cold. The reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial was frozen over, and the snow was deep. The only way for us to get to the Lincoln Memorial was to walk atop the frozen reflecting pool. If Forest can do it, so can we I guess. I felt kinda strange about it, but we surely weren't the only ones.


chksngr said...

My life, if lived carefully, if lived comfortably, if lived safely, if lived to perfect standards of society.... would be utterly forgettable and completely insignificant. And even worse, if I raise my kids to be so safe, never to step out boldly, never take risks... am I teaching them to be insignificant as well?

It would actually be a sin to raise your children to conform to the standards of society - no only would you be forgettable, but you would be teaching them to live in and of the world.

And we are not of this aren't really raising them that are raising them to repsect authority and look beyond themselves. You do it with your actions and your words. You are not raising conformist children aby any stretch of the imagination. You have recongized that they are unique and wonderful and are showing them "the way that they should go."

fullertribe said...

The picture of Collin by the Washington Monument is AWESOME that one needs to be put into a frame!

Hebnix said...

That quote is very thought provoking... I love it!
If you just made it up, you need to post your last name to it! I REALLY LOVE IT!