So obviously I am slacking on the blog.. it has been at the very bottom of my to do list. Hence my ubber long catch-up post. We have had a great week. It is so amazing to watch Ty as he experiences so many firsts. We are running on Christmas morning excitement and energy level 24/7 around here.
We went to the pumpkin patch/ corn maze a few nights ago and the kids all had a great time.
I can't believe how well Mina is doing with the transition of adding another kiddo. Bringing Finn home rocked her little world last year, so I was quite worried this time around, but she hasn't skipped a beat.

It was so fun to watch Ty go from being scared of the petting zoo, to ecstatic about feeding them within 10 minutes. We have been seeing that a lot.
We get this full out smile and giggle 20 times a day for things as simple as baking a cake or swinging on a swing, or jumping on the trampoline, or playing pl@y dough.....
I can't believe what a sweet boy he is. I will admit that we had a few melt downs in China that flipped me out a bit. It is so funny, knowing him now, knowing his fears and how he ticks. It all makes sense. He is such a blessing.
More firsts.... So Ty had obviously never been near a bike.. he started with a tricycle/ hotwheel and moved up to a real bike within 2 days. He is so proud of himself... and if you tell him that he should be embarrassed of the pink helmet I will be really upset. He could c.a.r.e...less!

A lot of time of our weekends is spent like this. We had signed Mina up for a team because she was begging to play, but she chickened out.
Even though Jack's games are a little intense, Ty sat and watched the game and kept pointing to himself and pointing to the field...
so I made a call and asked if Ty could play in Mina's spot.
Now realize that 3 days before this, we were playing soccer in our front yard.. Ty would grab the ball, line it up touching his foot and more like push it with his foot- not kick it.
But when we put those cleats and shin guards on him,,, he lit up like a Christmas tree. He doesn't care which goal he's kicking it into,,, just that he gets a chance to kick it :)
I thought this was funny... 2 weeks home and he is looking like the typical American jersey & a wrist full of silly b@nds...
Then he jumped back on the field and mid play he spots my camera.. he had to stop and give me the "peace fingers" which is a true China move :)
Another favorite.... he could do this all day long! The trick is to get him to hold the wheel at the perfect angle to keep them going in a big circle.. other wise you'd be chasing him around like a crazy person.

Now for my keeping it real photo... So we have learned that Ty is ridiculously sensitive.. A trait that he did NOT show us at all in China. When we went to the pumpkin patch, the girls were throwing horse shoes. Ty got excited picked up a horse shoe and jumped in front of them. To which I responded by screaming "Ty W.A.I.T" for fear he was about to get clocked in the head. He thought I was yelling AT him so he sulked for the next 15 minutes and had tears rolling down his face. Of course I can't explain that I didn't want him to get hurt, so he was broken hearted. This happens a few times a day, when you say things like "no, you can't do that", I know- how dare I. Although communication has been much less of an issue than I expected, it will be great when we understand each other.

Here is the photo of Ty sulking while I am trying to take my annual kiddos in the pumpkin patch photo. I'm sure my screaming "look at me" "over here" "say cheese" "say Ice-cream" "look at me" didn't help matters. No seriously, my kids always sit amongst the pumpkins perfectly posed and smiling at the camera. I would never sound like that :)