Sunday, September 19, 2010

So how sweet is this, last night we got a call from the front desk of our hotel.  We had a package waiting.  Kobi and I went downstairs and we were met with the legendary Ann (of .  She had several bags full of goodies for us.  My dear friend Erin  had contacted her and asked her to deliver all these wonderful goodies to us.  What a sweet gift. Ty's eyes about popped out of his head with all the goodies!  Thank you so much Erin, you are so wonderful!

Today we went to a great park and got to spend some time with other families in our travel group.  It was really beautiful but soooo hot.  I checked weather. com and it says 97 degrees but feels like 111 degrees.  We both grew up in South Florida so we usually don't mind the heat but this is just ridiculous!
 Ty is such a good boy and we love him to pieces.  He is started to test us a bit.  It seems like the first few days he was just so overjoyed with everything and he is just now starting to test the limits.  He is really becoming a Mama's boy.  Kobi and I went into the restroom this morning and I could hear him screaming, "mama, mama, mama" and giving Marc a hard time.  Bedtime has been a little bit of a challenge too, but other than that he is a total love baby and a real sweet heart... ALL boy!
My little man is so intense with his writing :) 

posted my silly scenario answers on yesterday's post :)


  1. hi amy!! i am tuning in for the answers to what would you do! :) i'm dying to know!!!

    ty is such a cutie, amy!!! will pray for the sleep/bedtime for you!

  2. Wow what a nice surprise getting all those treats! Ty is such a cute little man, hope your remaining days are great! I told my husband yesterday I miss China, hopefully we'll be back sooner rather than later.


  3. Oh how lovely!! And the cookies are Caiya's favorites that we buy at the Asian supermarket at Asian Corner Mall.. she loves those little rice cookies with the sugar icing! We call them her "Chinese cookies" and they are a special treat! Ty is looking so great and how very special to get all the treats delivered by Ann! Contacted her last week and we found out Caiya's friend from the orphanage had been adopted.. good news!! BLESSINGS and stay cool!

  4. Laughing here---the big fruits are...well, big. I didn't know exactly what snacks would be included---But big fruit was not what I envisioned.

    Hope Marc feels better and your home-sickness is a little more under control.


  5. I have really enjoyed reading about this journey and following you :) Praying for you and your family daily!!!

  6. He is sooo handsome Amy! Hang in there. I KNOW you are ready to come home. You are almost there! What is the plan for the rest of the week? What day do you leave China?
