Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All is well here :)  We were thrilled to be done with our Visa appointment yesterday, and even had our swearing in at the Consulate, which was bumped up from Thursday.  We still have to stay in Guangzhou until Friday to get Ty's visa.  After that we are headed to Beijing.  We just couldn't resist taking the kids to the Great Wall and a few other sights before heading home.   But we miss our kiddos, our beds and our Gramps and Abui (Grandma) like crazy. :)   We did get a chance to hit the red couch for the infamous photo, although I am now bummed at how my photos came out.   

Kobi loves the pet and herb markets :)  She sees the crates full of puppies and begs to sneak one home.  As any good Mama would do, I lie through my teeth and tell her, "of course you could have a new puppy baby, if only they were allowed on the airplane."  She's too much of a skeptic to believe her silly Mama though.

 Last night I was visited by the stomach bug that Marc had so nicely shared with me...  I felt like gremlins were at war in my belly.  Then I realized I shared my starbucks with Kobi yesterday and now I am praying that she is immune to the grossness.  
  2 1/2 more loooongggg days in Guangzhou :)   Love from China.


  1. Was starting to worry about you, my friend! Hope that everyone feels better!!! May your 2 1/2 days pass smoothly.... :) xoxo

  2. SO THANKFUL all is well...in the big picture all is well. I know you are homesick but this time next week you'll be trudging through jet lag and wondering what in the world...! Praying your 2.5 days go swiftly and you can find a way to navigate the heat. Guangzhou in September...sheesh! Oh, did you ever visit the zoo, White Mountain or Lihua Park while in GZ. All things we did not get to do that I wish we had. Maybe you could venture out and make the best of it. XOXO, M

  3. Hooray for the red couch...means all your kiddos will soon be in your arms. Just think of your SOFT bed waiting at home :) Will pray for safe travels for you all.

  4. Love that K got to sit on the red couch, too! Hope you are all feeling better soon and no one else catches that nasty bug. Enjoy your time there. I know it seems long, but it will pass before you know it! <3

  5. Ugh, sorry you're sick Amy. I sure hope Kobi doesn't get it too!

    Hey, those red couches will still be in the White Swan lobby if you want to go and do some picture retakes...

  6. Hope you are feeling better soon! Glad to hear from you ...was starting to be concerned. It will not be long now:)

  7. Whew---was getting worried that the fruit got you all sick!

    The Red Couch Photos are great.

    Enjoy your last few days...

  8. You'll be home before you know it. Glad to see all is well. Is Elvin your guide? If so, please tell him we said hello and Mia is doing wonderful!
