Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The past 3 months have been jam-packed... with emotion, with busy kids, with adjustments, with summertime, with happiness, with heartache. Finn came home from China just as school was letting out for the summer, and things around here haven't been mellow for one second.
When I look at this little face I know that she has truly had the toughest go the past months. Mina loves attention, it is her love language (I know that is not one of the official love languages, but just trust me). Mina loves attention, any kind, constantly. When she is not getting attention she is intently watching whoever is getting the attention of the moment. 3 months ago, she had her Mommy to herself for nearly 6 hours a day, now she has had to share me 5 ways all day every day. It has been really hard on her. Summer has always been my favorite season. I LOVE hanging with my kiddos, and the fact that Jackson is starting Kindergarten next week would normally have me curled up in a fetal position and crying my eyes out to my husband...a.k.a.- the most patient man in the world. BUT,,, I hate to admit, I am so ready for fall, for a schedule, for more one face time with Mina and Finn. I think Mina's ready too.


  1. WHAT A FACE! this girl could simply not play poker! HAHA!

  2. I get what you are saying. The little ones need Mommy time and you need to continue to bond with the two of them. Things will get into a new "normal" once school starts.

  3. Sweet Mina---Look at those soulful eyes....

  4. Mina~what a gem that child is!!!
    It's all good, Amy. You're doing a great job! Hang in there...
