Saturday, August 22, 2009

Oh no, here they come...

Our crazy crew has grown by one this week....Mina's best bud, the ever adorable Mia, is staying with us for two weeks while her Mommy and Daddy are IN CHINA picking up her baby brother!!!! They meet Thane on Monday, and I am so excited to watch their journey, live vicariously through the most amazing process that I have ever been a part of and get to soak up the hilarity and sweetness that is Mia.
It is really funny to show up to a park with 5 small kiddos, and take up the entire large swing set full of swings. I think the other families see us coming and run for cover.It hit me last night, my baby is actually starting Kindergarten in 3 sleeps. I've known it all along, but now we are down to the wire. I attended the open house, met the teacher, filled out the forms, came home, jumped in the shower and cried like a baby. I'm not good at letting go. It really stinks! I am really passionate about raising independent kids, but how come he's gotta grow up so fast?
Talking about independent, this one said I could have the week off. She meant it. I know she is trying to take my place... my job security is in serious danger


  1. :) To cute:) Thats great they have someone to leave there lil girl with!

  2. What a great way to end the summer! Your kids are so cute!

  3. If I didnt' think she'd do a better job than me, I'd have you bring her over here an I'D take the week off! But after a week with lil mama, my son wouldn't want me back! HA!
