Monday, October 24, 2011

The difference between raising girls and boys...

Conversation with Girl Child : 
Me:   Would you like Cheerios or Mini-Wheats for breakfast? 
Girl Child:  What else do we have? 
Me:   We have Cheerios or Mini-Wheats. 
Girl Child: Do we have waffles? 
Me: No honey.  We have Cheerios or Mini-Wheats. 
Girl Child:  I like waffles. 
Me: I know you like waffles. We don't have waffles.  Would you like Cheerios or 
Girl Child:  Ummmmm.   Can I have them mixed together ? 
Me: Child, which do you want, Cheerios or Mini-Wheats? 
Girl Child:  I'll have Mini-Wheats, in the pink bowl. 
Me:  Ok, here's your breakfast. 
Girl Child:  Not that pink bowl.  The pink plastic one with the built in straw. 
Me:  Arrrrrgggghhhhhh 
Me:   Would you like Cheerios or Mini-Wheats for breakfast? 
Boy Child: Cheerios, Please. 

****Disclaimer:::This is my experience with the differences between my 3 boys and my 3 girls in a nutshell. Cereal is just the metaphor for every conversation and option presented every day/ all day.


  1. haha love it!!!! and oh so true in this house as well:)

  2. SO that's what I have to look forward to??? Yay! I'll have a son in just a short time! Blessings!

  3. ummm...I don't know...that sounds like a conversation difference between Jayden and Noah...Jayden is just, welllllll, higher maintenance when it comes to food...and he likes waffles...a lot.

  4. This is exactly how it is in our house, exeptt the girls can present tears and whining also.
    Boys are so beautifully simple aren't they.

  5. Soo funny!!! We have raised 5 sons and now have 2 daughters. What a difference!

  6. HA!

    I've so been there (heh...I'm still there!). You are not alone, sista!

  7. same scenario plays itself out at our house : )

  8. Soooo true!!! My boys are so awsomely simple, and the girls are just...well...complicated.

  9. That's funny...I'd say we have the opposite in our house...the boys whine about the food and which bowls...but the boys are the 4yo and the girls are the older it the age???hhhmmmm

  10. We call that bowl the strabowl. Lilly is an only child so she has no one to fight for it. Lilly is almost 10, adopted at 7 months way back in 2002. She wants either waffles or bacon and eggs. Way to make it easy for mom!

  11. same scenario plays itself out at our house : )
