Sunday, August 21, 2011

I survived

So we moved our boy in his dorms a few days ago, and funny thing... I continue to breath in and out.  I wasn't sure if it would be possible.  

Here we are, the whole crew helping him move in. 
I will pretend that I am not hurt by the look of sheer joy on his face as he uses his own key to open the door to his freedom room for the first time.
What a good sport to let us all come in and crash his new digs!

We had to do a power shop once we hit campus.  This here is my boys multi purpose cleaning supply.  Not my problem anymore if he decides to forgo laundry day for a few sprays...  :)
These two are going to miss each other something fierce!
The have a wall on campus dubbed the free expression wall... where tasteful graffitti is allowed... I would LOVE to do a family photo shoot here, my kinda Christmas card background.    So stinkin' cool.
This is the corridor where most of my boys classes will be held.  Majoring in Political Science, Minoring in Chinese.    The world is at his fingertips and I can feel the excitement.
This is where you can tell that they are all starting to get annoyed at me taking pictures :)

Such a cool campus.
Mr. Summer Flat Stanley has gotten around this summer!!!  We have hundreds of fun pics of him with all our little adventures.  Here he is saying goodbye to Collin.  (he still has beach sand in his hair)
Goodbye hugs.
And you may not be able to tell by this picture, but just before we left we had breakfast together and then we loaded up the car and started to drive off.  I had to watch my boy walk away and I felt the air suck outta my lungs.
Such a crazy feeling, letting go.  Such a depressing ride, driving home.  Made me question motherhood the whole trip home, it wasn't pretty.   But, I survived.


  1. Wow- this made my breathing pause and I'm still a few years out from this big transition. This is big life stuff! Truly, you must be so proud though. I'll be praying for both of you this first semester... I remember that's the hardest season of transition. Big hugs to you!

  2. Oh I have been through this twice now and the second was just like the first. Ripped my heart out and it stayed there. We left our second daughter a week ago and it is just starting to feel like the new normal. This sounds weird but it feels like a death in our family. LOVE all your photos~ SO happy to see another family with lots of littles running around while moving in the big. :) We get lots of stares. LOL Kind of LOVE it!!! :) Anyway, saying a very special prayer for you and know you are such a wonderful mom~ what an amazing son!!! Blessings and love!

  3. I feel your pain!! It is such a hard transition, I promise it will get better! Something wonderful about having a whole lot of littles keeping you busy!!

  4. I just watched mine walk into HS for the first time last week and my heart hurt...and I picked her up 8 hours later!!! Can't imagine...and I know it just keeps going by faster and faster...hugs Amy!! Thank you for making me pause and think!

  5. I have a one and a four year old so I have a looooong time until I have to worry about sending them off to college, but reading this brought tears to my eyes. I'm going to keep rocking and snuggling my babies because I know the time sure goes by way too quickly.

  6. The pic of Mina and Collin brought tears to my eyes. Such a special relationship they have. I can relate as one of my older brothers is 12 years older than I am and another is 10 years older and I was extremely close to both of them growing up. Still am. and I can remember when the older one off to the Air Force. Really not any wonder I married a career man too. lol Miles and years apart I can tell you that Mina and Collin will always have a special bond. :)

    Letting go has to be one of the hardest things to face as a parent. You did good Mom. :)

  7. Wow how did this happen! Seems like just yesterday he was pretending to be a kitty on my lap wanting me to rub his tummy! He should love seeing this :) Tony thankfully at this point is going to a community college for now so we aren't having to do the say good bye thing for now.

  8. I know this day will come for me...I pray I do as well as you...I'm not actually certain that will be the case. New normal....

  9. OK, really?? I saw you in Target YESTERDAY and when I asked what I had missed on your blog you were blase...I MISSED THIS!! This is HUGE!! I would have hugged you something fierce if I had thought this had already happened (duh...I should have known...)Wow...need some time to digest this one. Big hugs to you, my friend...

  10. This brought it all back. Leaving Sarabeth was the hardest thing I think I had ever done. It did get easier but that first time was the worst. My heart goes out to you!!!!
