Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Schoolz out!!!

Is the month of May just absolutely Crazy Bananas at your house?  I don't remember it being this crazy but holy cow-ser..... nuts I tell ya.  

   Ty had his preschool graduation last week...
 I tried to take photos of him getting his "diploma" and his performance, but my camera is acting up and since he was moving... my pictures stink... I'm so not ready to spend any moola on a new camera right now... so all my favorite followers will have to bear with me and my grainy pics...
 Can you tell I think this kid is ridiculously cute.. I do, I really do.  He is about to loose his top front tooth, and it makes me sad...   I want to hold on to every "baby" thing about him for as long as I can.
 I'm just surrounded by good looking men :)  I'll tell you, I am one lucky gal :)
 After Ty's graduation, the preschool had a little carnival and all the kids had a blast.
 I think I snapped this pic the one second he wasn't smiling the whole afternoon .
 And I just have to brag on this guy for a second, I know that is hands down the most annoying part of reading blogs,,,, "oh look here at my perfect life and my perfect kids"  Well we are farrrrr from perfect...but I am stinkin' proud of this kid... I hope one day I can act as much of a grown up as he does.  Last week there were soccer tryouts for a competitive soccer team.  I had my reservations about signing him up.. he is 7 for goodness sake.  But at his rec - coaches advice we had him sign up.  He is a year younger than most of the kids on the we told him he was just going to do a 2 day soccer clinic. We didn't want to put any pressure on him, or disappoint him.  So we just said go play and have fun.  I know a lot of the kids were super nervous.  But Jack was just having a great time.  This boy ALWAYS gives 110% no matter what the conditions.. so we saw no need to hype him up..   Well he made the team and it was so fun to tell him, since he had no idea he was even trying out.  We are so proud of him... mostly because he always has such a great attitude and he always works hard and he never complains...(see, told ya I wanted to be more like him)  Ok,, Mama brag over :)
 Minutes ago my biggest boy just walked in the door from his last official day of high school.  So surreal.   I think having a houseful of kids lessens the blow for me a little bit.  I love this boy with everything that I am but I know for sure he is ready for this next big step.  He will be home for the summer and I better not catch him doing to much of this in the long afternoons.....
 I have issue with lazy kids.... I will admit that my issue is 90% based on pure jealousy... oh to be a lazy.. I dream of being lazy with nothing to do, no haunting to do lists...  He does have a job though...but now that school is out, and wrestling is over... It's gonna be strange to not see him going a mile a minute...
 Ty also had his last soccer game of the season...boy loves to play soccer.  Hopefully next year it will be a bit easier for him to keep up with his peers.  He has come a LONG way in the past few months.  
 The sideline crew :)
 We have a super busy week planned this week, with Collin's graduation and family coming in town...  so it just may be quiet around here for a couple days... Enjoy the first days of summer!!!


  1. Happy summer to you all! Good luck holding back the tears at graduation...

  2. Love the pics, all of them! Brag away Mom you have LOTS to brag about. ;)

  3. WTg Jack!!!! Happy grad Ty!!! And Finn's cheeks - to die for!!! Give em a big kiss & squeeze for me!

  4. I agree it's crazy! We've had Sports, Kindergarten Graduation,High School Graduation (and everything that goes along with that), Open House is next weekend, John turns 40 the week after next so I'm have a big 40 party for him....Things are NUTS! July is calling my name, vacation and a little less on the calendar!:)

    I love your post and can't wait to see Colins Grad pictures! Enjoy it!
