Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Counting down to Summer fun..

Can you feel the excitement of summer???
 I sure can and I've been busy getting my tail in gear finishing up a few projects around the house.   I'm on a mission to channel my inner baby-sitter,   "say what???"  Well my goal is to be able to play along with the kiddos all summer long... you know, like a baby-sitter does.  I really want to be conscious of doing anything that doesn't have to be done.  When the kids are having a lazy day watching a movie...I want to be right there in the thick of it... not scrambling to get anything done.  So standards will be lowered... chore charts will be made [we gotta share the love :) ]...and I am thinking of pulling out this trick again... 
maybe with some more summery/healthy meals.  I'll have to get on that planning though, only a few more days of school. If you want the recipes/instructions from my last freezer filling extravaganza,, you can check out the link here.  


  1. You know, I've said this before...but you are my HERO! I want to live life with as much planning, purposefulness and focus as you do. Its so inspirational to read how you manage it!!

  2. Holy Toledo Mosquito!!!! That's just kuh-ray-zee organized!!!

  3. I don't have a website but found your page through a friend of adoption. Love your family. Would love to get organized for the summer as well even just get organized. I am looking to start with the food area. I would love to have the Chicken Noodle Soup recipe. It looks delicious! Thank you for sharing your heart and your family with us.
    Laura Simpson

  4. What a lovely blog and a wonderful family. I've randomly found your blog and it has sucked for me ... Your incredible way to describe life on and your beautiful family have inspired me - I myself am a mother of 2 adopted, but it still sucked your adoptions to me, do not think you get enough of this world ... I look forward to seeing more of your family in the future ... Helle from Denmark

  5. I love having a freezer full of meals. Makes crazy evenings a BREEZE. I'm going to check out the link. Thanks for posting!!!

  6. I love you my sweet wonderful Amy, but I disagree! I want a babysitter!!!!! Today was Jake's last day of preschool and I am scared.
    I'll let your positive thoughts inspire me to not be such a debbie downer!
