Monday, January 10, 2011

Awww, I feel a bit bad for my poor neglected blog... i don't think I have ever been away so long in the past couple of years...especially without good reason.  I am so excited about the new year and a  new start.  2010 was a whirlwind of chaos, good chaos but crazy nonetheless.  I have made all the cliche' resolutions...yeah, getting organized and getting healthy.  I'm really excited about trying to simplify things around here.  There is just something about the holidays and the glorious indulgence of it all that makes me want to pitch half of our STUFF and to completely turn my back on the retail world.  I am gearing up for trying to make February a "no-spend" month around our house (like how I pick the shortest month)...  I hesitate to say it out there on the blog because I am a bit skeered of failure, I am going to try to squeeze the life outta our already pretty tight budget.  I know I will have to buy groceries...  we are ALL big eaters, and I love to cook.  I have been stocking up on sales the last few weeks so hopefully I can get by with living off our stash and just buying the necessities.  Other than that, I am vowing not even to step foot inside a t@rget or any other retail know seeing that I am a marketers dream and a total cheapskate sucker for a sale.    I have a goal too!  Whatever cashola I can save, the hubby and I are going to spend on ourselves!!! and take a little trip, just the two of us... so it may be to the local Ho-Jo's for an evening if I fail.. or we may get to go away for a weekend seaside come summertime!       I'll keep y'all posted on my progress...or maybe I won't,,, it sounds like the most boring tragic topic I can think of.   


My girl was playing with her "special box" the other day and I figured I would snap a photo.  She loves when I pull this out...

She is a bit of a "nervous nelly" so she likes to keep her hands busy. Ty is a bit of the same way, so they both can spend almost an hour sifting through these little boxes of mess. Just thought I would share a fun little project...
It has come in handy when I can tell they need something to do and I am busy doing something else...  Just to warn you though... these work great for Mina and Ty but if you have a kid like Finn,,, do NOT even attempt this kinda mess... you will hate me forever.  


  1. Thanks for the disclaimer! I have one like Finn too and there's no way this would work. Talk about a mess! But, I might have to try this for my oldest! Can you give some tips on how you allow one to play and keep the other kiddos out without hurt feelings and temper tantrums?

  2. Love this idea.

    I can't wait to hear how the "no spend" month will go. That's AWESOME and I KNOW y'all could use a fun get-a-way somewhere!!! Good Luck!!!!!
