Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Holy Smokes

Breathe Amy.... woke up to an email.... we are going to China in 2 DAYS.... Breathe Amy.... Went to bed thinking we would be there next month..... Breathe Amy.... But no,  we are leaving THIS Friday...  Breathe


  1. WHAT?????????????

    How can this be? Holy smokes woman, you must have an in at the CCAA somewhere, I've NEVER seen anyone process through the system faster than you!

    Can't wait to see your boy in your arms!!!

  2. What??????? (I agree with Truly Blessed on this one!) Holy Cow! I am so excited for you, but... Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that you are leaving in only two days. Good luck with all of your last minute planning and packing. I cannot wait to follow your journey!

  3. See what happens when you ask a bunch of people to pray for you!?!?!??!?!?!? PRAISE GOD!! WOOHOO!!!

  4. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your prayers have been answered sister! I am so excited for you and CAN NOT WAIT to see him in your arms!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Go GET. YOUR. BOY. (and could you please bring one home for me? Please?)


  5. LOI to travel in 4 months, ditto to what I said on FB,- where is that fainting icon when I need it :) The man upstairs thinks Ty needs to be home with you! So happy for you and your family!!! this is wonderful!!!!

  6. WHAAAAHHHHH??????????

    YAY!! And WOW!!!!!!!

    I'm so excited for ya'll!
    Joy :D

  7. Oh so exciting! I can't wait to follow along! Aren't you glad you got all that cooking done?!?! LOL!

  8. Oh my gosh!!!! How wonderful! Go get your little man!!!!

  9. Wow! Good thing you got those meals done! Did you have any idea? A possibility? How did this all happen? I mean just to get that Article 5 takes weeks from LOA. Do share the details. I mean, its not like you have anything else to do!


  10. As I write this, Joshua's CARS toy is saying "Speed...I AM SPEED." Perfect for your process! ha!
    What a delightful blessing. Yes, a crazy departure, but you're a pro and clearly God was paving the way for this with how his room is ready and you've got a full freezer. Thanks for sharing your joy~ we'll be praying for your trip and new addition!! love, the Hume Family

  11. Just commented on your FB page-and I will say it again-OH...MY...GOODNESS...I am sure you are running around like a chicken with its head cutoff trying to get your packing done so quickly-I am so amazed how God has provided for you guys in this situation, and in saying provided, I mean, he has heard your prayers about needing to travel so soon to be there before your deadline! You soooo need to be able to blog there! Can't wait to see the pics of you meeting him! Love you all!

  12. Wow! Oh wow! I need you on my side next go round...

    I can't wait to follow! Ty is precious!


    He heard you loud and clear-CONGRATS

  14. WOWZA!!!! Good thing you made that Sam's run and then had your cooking-a-thon! Can't wait to follow along!

  15. Good thing you have a freezer full of food ready and waiting!!!

    Whoo Hoo!


  16. WOOOHOOO!! So, so excited for you and your family....will be PRAYING as you get everything ready to travel...for you, your kids, and little Ty!!! Can not wait to follow your newest journey to China....will be praying you home....

  17. Wow!!! How exciting! Can't wait to see pics of your precious son in your arms.

  18. Congratulations!

    I can't wait to follow your journey and meet Ty!

    What can I do to help?

    Have you read Marybeth Chapman's Choosing to See?
    I can go to Target and fill a suitcase with everything you need and meet you in the parking lot on your way to airport. I'll do it too!

    So exciting!

  19. Oh my goodness!!!!! I can't believe you are leaving in 2 days!!! I am so very excited for you!!!! Can't wait to follow your journey!!! Blessings to you!!!

  20. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!!!!!!! I almost fell out reading this! Good thing I work ina hospital! I think its too late to send you anything... CHECK YOUR MAIL!!!!!

  21. Congratulations!
    So very happy for you all and look forward to seeing that first giant Ty hug!
    Wishing you following winds there and back!
    (hugged LL

  22. NO...WAY...!!! Yikers, woman - that is FABULOUS!! Will call you in a bit...

  23. Whoa! What?!!! WOW!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!! Amy this is AMAZING news!! SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Travel safe! Can't wait to see that boy with his forever family!!!

  24. Amazing! Your prayers have been answered:) God is so good..all the time. Have a safe trip and I cannot wait to see you little man.

  25. We are very happy for you and your family. Have a wonderful time in China and blessings for that little boy.
    You saw our daughter before me and sent us pictures and videos of her before we traveled to pick her up and we will be forever grateful for that.
    We wish you the best and good luck with The Bloom Project.
    John and Amanda Lyons
