Saturday, July 17, 2010

The view at our house this week....

Is it possible that after 17 years of diapers ( the last 9 years I haven't had a day without a kiddo in diapers) .. I may be d.o.n.e. FOREVER!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Super easy treat

Brownie Ice cream sandwiches....

Ingredients: box mix brownies & Ice cream

Make a batch of brownies, pour the mixture in a pan lined with wax paper. I use a pan slightly larger than I would for actual brownies so they are a bit thinner.
You could easily make two batches or just cut the one in half. It all depends on how many you want. Let the brownie cool and then top with ice cream.
Place the other brownie layer on top, and press down gently. Freeze for an hour or two.
Slice 'em up and you are good to go... if you wanted them a little fancier you could roll the sides in sprinkles, but who am I kidding, no one 'round here cares a bit.
This is just as good made with cookie dough (just don't forget the wax paper)!!! Ice cream cookie or brownie sandwiches yumm-o and super easy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Swim, Bike, Run... Proud Mama :)

I just have to take a moment and fuss over my little ones who did a kid's triathlon last week. I was beaming proud of them. It was the first time they had done one and we didn't really know what to expect. I was hoping that they would finish the entire race without stopping and boy did they shock us.
Kobi getting her body marking with her #
Mina giving "good luck" hugs.
My boy coming out of his swim,

And into the transition area to get ready to do his bike ride

go baby go
here's my girl... it is so funny to see her compete. This girl is never in a hurry for anything, so calm so patient. Something about seeing her move with quick intention is just the cutest thing ever.

Celebratory ice cream after the race.... Hey Jackson, you can have whatever flavor ice cream you want... so Jackson says, " I want mint chocolate chip with sour gummie worms" Hey, I'm not gonna judge..

I don't know why but I think this is just the cutest thing ever. No matter how big or small a bite Mina is taking of something, she opens her little mouth as wide as she can. I will be honest and say that I sometime purposely feed her tiny little bites of something just so I can watch her.
She loves to entertain the masses, and keeps us all cracking up. The true star of the show.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Project completion

Remember back before summer I said the kids and I were going to dive into some projects around here,mainly the scary play one ever wanted to go in there,
it was pretty creepy.
Plus I love putting the kiddos to work.
Something about seeing them vegged out in front of the TV makes me cringe. ( Maybe I'm just jealous?)
Well I put my pint sized crew to work and we are quite pleased with our results.
Oh and for the price of 2 gallons of paint we kept the kiddos busy for an entire week. I had been looking high and low for a steal of a deal on some pavers to make a little patio, then last week we stopped by Grandpa's house and while we were playing outside I spotted a huge pile of cast off cobblestone pavers..... SCORE! Hey Gramps,, whatcha gonna do with these old things?? We had them loaded up and dumped in our back yard within a few hours !!! We are working on the inside too.I may show that sometime in the future, we aren't done yet and Mama is itching to start some inside projects. My master bedroom and kitchen need some serious help :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th

All decked out for the 4th of July!!
Finn had a hard time showing off her festive manicure :) but oh those cheeks.

We love our hometown parade, where the kids decorate their bikes or wagon and get to be the main attraction.
Kobi and her bud, Neve. What a cute duo.
"Hey Papa, can I get an Icee?"
Ma & Pa
Finn hanging with Grandpa, he knows the key to her heart :)
I love having my boy home. He is always keeping us laughing or thinking or doing. If I had to describe him in one word it would be ; intense.
This boy does nothing half way, he is always intense. he plays intense, he thinks intense, he loves intense...heck, he walks down the stairs intense.... he just doesn't do mellow. it's not his thing.
oh here's a fun one. a no bake, super easy yummy treat.
Sara lee pound cake sliced and laid flat at the bottom of a cake pan. Prepare vanilla Jell* pudding and pour over top, then layer a small tub of cool whip and top with fresh berries.
Here's the kiddos attempt at an American flag, we will definitely be making this again this summer. super easy, refreshing and yummy. Try it and let the kids go it alone... bet they'll surprise you..

Thursday, July 1, 2010