Sunday, August 9, 2009

Two of my core parenting "styles" include, traditions and picking my battles. We have tons of little traditions, hand shakes, inside jokes, cheesy sayings, side trips (picking apples, cutting down our christmas tree, festivals, blah blah blah) I think that repeating traditions is what makes memories. Picking my battles, I think I picked that one up around kiddo #3. So not everything that got noticed with Collin, gets noticed with Mina... I did realize a while back that while my kids know their core manners, seriously my 5 year old could probably eek by with eating noodles off his plate with his fingers for a good 4 minutes before I would notice. So we have implemented a new family tradition. Manners nights. We make it as fun as possible and don't know why but the kids actually look forward to it too. I had the rules up last night and then I found out that our local grocery store had snow crab legs on sale... so Marc ran to the store, I hid the rules and then proceeded to break everyone of them myself.


  1. May I please be excused......from life for at least 15 minutes to take a shower without two little people knocking on the shower door? Can we make that a rule? HA!

  2. Love it!! What a great idea!! My two older boys are actually doing Cotillian this year.

  3. I LOVE snow crabs! Hmmm...they are just a tad bit messy. Hope you enjoyed EVERY bite!

    PS Momma's are allowed to tweak the rules on occasion.

  4. Great idea! I love posting the rules...I'm doing a chore chart too..its such a great idea...
