Friday, August 28, 2009

Finn has been home for 3 months, which basically means 3 months ago I had never known the joy that these chubby cheeks can bring. I would never want to rat out her Papa by telling everyone that he has indeed woken her up because he can't resist grabbing those cheeks when he goes in one last time to check on her at night. He then runs into the other room to tell me, "Finn's woke up", and he manages a completely guiltless expression. After all, it's not his fault, these cheeks are powerful.


  1. Amy-she is just beautiful! (all your kids are)
    glad you are all getting into a new routine! josie says hi:)

  2. She is adorable! And those cheeks are certainly irresistible...

    Love your blog...all your kiddos are gorgeous!
