Thursday, May 14, 2009

Next stop HOME, but for now, busy Beijing.

So as much as I want to be home right now, I LOVE this city.  There is no way you can regret a visit to Beijing. We have a Hutong tour in the morning and then we are headed HOME!!!!  I can't wait to squeeze all my babies.  I love you all like crazy and we will see you tomorrow night!!!  What a day, the pictures speak for themselves....

You can put a lock on the Great wall to symbolize your enduring love.. this one is ours. 
Finn fell asleep soon after we started our climb, this is riding in style...  What a good Papa to hike a sleeping baby to the top of the Great Wall. 

Next time I am wearing shoes like this! 

We then headed to the Summer Palace, stunning, beautiful, amazing, crowded, Finn didn't really appreciate the beauty, mostly because she couldn't run wild and needed to stay on our hip. 

A cruise across the lake at the summer palace. 

I know y'all know this site. 
So we realized tonight that poor Finn is going to be so confused once home and confined within walls.  We have been ON THE GO.  Here Marc and Finn this evening center city Beijing walking the streets.  It is actually cold an rainy here ( a huge change from the sauna like conditions of Guangzhou in the past week) 
A can't miss sight.. Food Street in Beijing, during the Olympics I saw the Today show here.  Now its our turn to marvel over the crazy food selection...  Beetles, Sea horses, scorpions. There was tons of things that looked really yummy, but we are to scared to try it for fear of our weak stomachs.   


  1. YAY! I can not wait to see Beijing! It is going to be awesome! That is a fantastic photo of you and Marc at the Great Wall. You'll be squeezing those babies soon. Prayers for safe travel and a happy travel baby.


  2. OMW, what a wild adventure Miss Finn is having in Beijing! Loving all of the pictures.

    I know you're excited to get home and see your kids -- can't wait to see pix of the reunion!

  3. Oh, did you, by any chance, see my girls' lock on the Wall? I can't wait to go back some day and find it!

  4. Safe travels home!!!
    Hugs~ Jane, Joe & Mia

  5. We are going to be at the beach for your home coming. I hope to see you some time next week and meet Finn. As always I have loved all your pictures and appreciate you taking the time to keep up with your blog so we follow your journey. Have a safe and uneventful trip home. Lots of love, Mollie

  6. Do you watch the Amazing Race? They spent a lot of time in China this season and one of their challenges was to eat some of those things on the sticks like in your pictures! The little stand they got the food from looks exactly the same as this one. They also ate starfish! So excited for your homecoming - everyone here is ready for you guys! Do you label your lock so you can recognize it later?

  7. Hi Amy, Marc, and Finn! You look like you are having a blast. One day...we'll go (should've flown into Beijing!)

    It was great finally meeting you and spending a little time together...(what a crazy, whirlwind trip)...and, of course, seeing first-hand what a perfect match you both are for Finn and she is for you =0)

    Love to you all,

  8. Gosh, I really LOVE Beijing. Thanks for the memories! As much beauty and amazing things as we saw in China, Beijing still stands out in my mind for its beauty, scope and history.
