Saturday, March 22, 2008

Greetings From Beijing!!!

We made it,  we are here safe and sound!  Everyone who knows me well knows that I am a very nervous flier. So I feel like a million bucks right now because a big part of my stress is over. Even though I haven't slept in over 48 hours.  The flight was actually not so bad.  It was the flight from home to Newark that really almost made me toss my cookies.  It was very bumpy and I think I squeezed all the blood out of my poor husbands hand.  Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers,  I really felt them over the last day.  I will post pictures of us on the Great Wall tomorrow!!!  And that should be the last of the boring post, because we will have our Baby!!!!!Oh, and just want to forewarn all of you that are not too familiar with these blogs. I can only post from here but can not view what I am posting so you will have to forgive me if it doesn't look so great for the next few weeks.  I can also get my email if anyone needs to reach me, or at least I can here in Beijing.    Yeah! We are so excited. 


  1. welcome to China

    Andy and Susan
    Charlotte NC

  2. Praise God! Glad the flights went well. I can't wait to follow your travel. I REALLLY can't wait to see that be-be! Take care!

    M from TN

  3. Hooray, Amy. We can't wait to see little Mina! We're praying for you guys!

  4. Your international blogging skills amaze me!!! Keep it coming...we're dying to know every detail and can't wait to celebrate with you back home!

  5. Praise God for a great flight - have a wonderful day in Chiina - and can't wait to hear about the rest of God's provision for you as you meet Mina!!!

  6. Glad you made it safely.
    From a fellow CWA mom.

  7. I hope you can get some sleep soon. But I'm guessing with all the excitement over meeting Mina, that might be pushing it a bit. Have a great time!

  8. Yeah Amy! You are in our prayers. It will not seem like it while you are there, but the time will really fly by ! Enjoy every minute!

  9. Glad to know you all made is safe & sound! Can't wait to follow the rest of your journey!
